Sayers Landing - Mansfield, Texas - A word from Tiffany Hall, Community Giving Officer with Trinity Habitat for Humanity
The Mansfield Build will take place beginning in November 2023, and we are extremely excited about this project and the opportunity to make a difference in our local community. We will be joining with local sponsors and volunteers to build on Sayers Dr just off Broad Street. We will be completing the Sayers Landing Neighborhood over the next few years. This neighborhood will be the first of its kind for Trinity Habitat for Humanity, and it will even include an HOA for our homeowners. Build Days for this project will be split into ½ day shifts where volunteers and sponsored teams will be building alongside The Brown Family to help them obtain the dream of affordable home ownership.
Trinity Habitat for Humanity, Mansfield Build
Building with the Brown Family
Meet the Brown family, the family we will be building with and for! Build dates will be between Nov. 17 and Dec. 16. To volunteer or for more information, email us at [email protected]. You can donate to this project by clicking the button below.