Grillin' Groups

"They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer"
Acts 2:42


Grillin' Groups usually consist of 3 or 4 families that meet for three weeks, typically on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday night. The goal is to get to know others in a growing church, have great food together, and learn more about Jesus. If you'd like to be a part of something new and learn more, contact [email protected]

Join Us

Interested in joining in the fun and fellowship of Grillin' Groups this year?
Click on the link below and fill in your information on this form, hit the submit button, and we'll make sure that you're included.

It only took 8 years!

Meet Matthew and Chelsea Ridge who wish they had joined sooner!

We need LEADERS and HOSTS - If not you, then who?

Watch this short video on how easy it is to serve. This also explains exactly what a Grillin' Group is.