Faith Path

Guide your child's faith journey

One step at a time

Faith Path Overview

At St. John we know that you want your child to know and love Jesus. You feel a responsibility to nurture their faith, but many time you don't know where to start or how to teach them. The Faith Path initiative exists to partner with you as you guide your child's faith journey one step at a time.

Faith Path Resources

The Faith Path suggests a focus of specific practices and milestones at certain ages. However, you know your child best and can determine the most appropriate time to emphasize each step.

We offer free kits to guide you through each Faith Path Step. Each kit includes a training video, guide, starter ideas, and other helpful elements. Visit the Connect at Home Center in the St. John lobby or click on the "Request Information" tab above.

LAUNCH Faith Path Step - (Recommended focus: Ages 18+)

LAUNCH – Release Your Child to Embrace Independence

We’ve all heard the phrase “failure to launch” describing young men and women who don’t make the transition into responsible adulthood.  Unfortunately, many parents inadvertently keep their children from growing up due to over protection and lack of intentionality.  Whether your son or daughter is going off to college, joining the military or entering the workforce, how can you be intentional about successfully launching them into a God-honoring life?

This Launch kit offers practical suggestions on what to do and how to do it.

Visit the Connect at Home Center in the St. John lobby or click on the “Get Resources” tab above to get your free kit.

RITE OF PASSAGE Faith Path Step - (Recommended focus: Ages 16+)

RITE OF PASSAGE – Give a Vision for Adulthood

For generations, various religions and cultures have put their children through a rite of passage to adulthood.  Many people are aware of the Jewish practice of the Bar and Bat Mitzvahs, for example.  The reality, however, is that many children today don’t learn how to become adults on purpose; rather, they ride the wave of adolescence toward an unknown adult future.

This kit guides you through the rite of passage and helps you give your teen a vision for adulthood.

To request this free kit, click on the “Get Resources” tab above or visit the Connect at Home Center in the St. John lobby.

CONFIRMATION Faith Path Step - (Recommended focus: Ages 12-14+)

CONFIRMATION – A Strong Faith Foundation for the Future

Confirmation is a tradition in the Lutheran Church when a person who was baptized as an infant or young child studies more deeply the basics of the Christian faith.

The process of Confirmation consists of a little over two years of instruction, serving, fellowshipping and asking questions.  Each child affirms their baptism, share their faith story and owns their own faith.

This guide explains more about the Confirmation process and offers ways to live Confirmation out at home.

Visit the Connect at Home Center in the St. John lobby or click on the “Get Resources” tab above to get your free kit.

COMMUNION Faith Path Step - (Recommended focus: Ages 11+)

COMMUNION – Remembering God’s Love for Us

Communion is a time when we get to connect with Jesus in an intimate and powerful way.  We believe in the biblical teaching of the Real Presence.  We start with bread and wine, and because of God’s miraculous action we know that Jesus’ Body and Blood are really present “in,  with, and under” the bread and wine.

This Guide will help you talk about Communion at home.

To request this free kit, click on the “Get Resources” tab above or visit the Connect at Home Center in the St. John lobby.

PURITY Faith Path Step - (Recommended focus: Ages 10+)

PURITY – Give a Vision for God-Honoring Thought and Actions

Webster’s Dictionary defines “pure” as: “free from everything that might make dirty, change, or lower the quality; free from sin or guilt.”  Purity is much more than refraining from sex or heeding a list of dont’s. It is a positive, passionate existence that frees us to experience all God made us to enjoy.  Sadly, our culture bombards kids with opportunities to tarnish their lives, even making fun of those who try to remain clean.  How do we help our children go against the norm and live a life filled with the intense joys only purity can bring?

Find helpful information and resources in the Purity Kit.

Visit the Connect at Home Center in the St. John lobby or click on the “Get Resources” tab above to get your free kit.

GIVING & SERVING Faith Path - (Recommended focus: Ages 9+)

GIVING & SERVING – Teach Your Child To Make a Difference

God blesses and entrusts each of us with gifts, talents and resources.  Look for opportunities to teach your child to be a good steward of these blessings from the Lord in a way that will honor and glorify Him.

This Giving & Serving kit includes practical ideas to help you get started.

To request this free kit, click on the “Get Resources” tab above or visit the Connect at Home Center in the St. John lobby.

WORSHIP Faith Path Step - (Recommended focus: Ages 8+)

WORSHIP – Teach your Child how to Adore God

Worship is our response to the greatness of God.  Many Christians limit the concept to singing songs in church.  We need to help our children understand that worship involves much more than attending a weekend service.  Worship is both an action and an attitude.  Scripture says that true worship begins in the heart of the believer (John 4;23).  Worship involves taking the focus off of ourselves and directing our attention toward God, who He is and what He has done.  We may be great multi-taskers who can accomplish multiple things at once, but real worship only occurs when we give God our complete and sole attention.

Use this worship kit to help your child understand what worship is and how to make it a priority,

Visit the Connect at Home Center in the St. John lobby or click on the “Get Resources” tab above to get your free kit.

BIBLE Faith Path Step - (Recommended focus: Ages 7+)

BIBLE – Open God’s Word to your Child

One of the greatest joys and responsibilities you have as a parent is to teach your child to love God’s Word in order to build a solid foundation based upon truth.

Psalm 119:11 says “I have hidden you word in my heart that I might not sin against you.”

Help your child discover the importance of God’s word using the suggestions in the Bible Kit.

To request this free kit, click on the “Get Resources” tab above or visit the Connect at Home Center in the St. John lobby.

PRAYER Faith Path Step - (Recommended focus: Ages 6+)

PRAYER – Teach Your Child to Talk to God

One of the greatest things you can do is to help your child develop a relationship with God through prayer.  Prayer is how we communicate with and connect to our Heavenly Father.  Nurture your child’s faith by praying together as a family and by guiding them in the practice of praying individually.

The prayer kit includes ideas & prayer starters.

Visit the Connect at Home Center in the St. John lobby or click on the “Get Resources” tab above to get your free kit.

FAMILY TIME Faith Path Step - (Recommended focus: Ages 4-5+)

FAMILY TIME – Create Intentional Moments

When your child reaches about four years old, it is a great time to establish a pattern of including fun family times in your schedule to foster communication, laughter and faith formation.

The Family Time Kit includes practical suggestions and ideas for getting started.

To request this free kit, click on the “Get Resources” tab above or visit the Connect at Home Center in the St. John lobby.

BLESSING Faith Path Step - (Recommended focus: Ages 3+)

BLESSING – Affirm Your Child’s Value

A blessing is a powerful tool with which we communicate acceptance and genuine commitment.

Every child needs to experience something the scriptures call “the blessing.”  This guide can help you begin the process by imparting the kind of blessing only a parent can give.

Visit the Connect at Home Center in the St. John lobby or click on the “Get Resources” tab above to get your free kit.

BAPTISM Faith Path Step - (Recommended focus: Birth - 2 years)

BAPTISM – God Pours Out Faith

“He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy.  He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit”  Titus 3:5-6

As a church we are excited to come alongside you and help equip you to be the primary faith influencer in your child’s faith journey.

This guide will help you understand what Baptism is, who it is for and what it’s benefits are.  It also includes celebration ideas and recommended resources.

To request this free kit, click on the “Get Resources” tab above or visit the Connect at Home Center in the St. John lobby.


As your faith partner, we offer free kits to guide you through each Faith Path Step. Each kit includes a training video, guide, starter ideas, and other helpful elements. Visit the Connect at Home Center in the St. John lobby or click on the "Request Information" tab below.