Midway Church Campus

Midlothian, Texas - Sunday worship at 9 & 11 am.

Midway Church - Midlothian Leadership Team

Two Campuses, One Mission

February 2025 Update

It's been a busy January at the Midway campus. Jesus is leading and providing in a variety of ways.

We have had three soft-launch services with around 60 people in worship each week.

Teams continue to develop in the areas of worship, cafe, greeting, set-up, tear-down, mission, kids, and prayer.

We will begin our next round of small group formation via Grillin' Groups in late February.

If you'd like to be a part of this new campus, please feel free to visit us in person or check out our new website:
Physical Address. 6051 Honeysuckle Rd, Midlothian, TX. 76065 or midwaychurchmidlo.com

You can also play a huge part in helping this Gospel plant by praying for us. If you'd like to be on our prayer email, reach out to Pastor Tim, [email protected]

January 2025 Update

We are very excited for our first worship service at our Midway Church Campus on Feb. 2nd at 9:30 am!

Opening Midway is just the beginning! It will take a village of volunteers and members to make it a successful part of the Midlothian community. If you have any questions or want to know more about getting involved at Midway, reach out to Pastor Tim at [email protected].

December 2024 Update

We are close to signing a lease for a place to worship. It's the LitteHouseVenue in Midlothian.

We plan to begin public worship on February 2.
Midway Church Campus has adopted Dieterich Middle School.

During a staff work day on November 22, we provided breakfast and coffee for the teachers and staff.

Events we will be at in December: Midlothian Library and City Hall grand opening (Dec 2); Midlothian Christmas tree lighting and Christmas parade (Dec 7).

Feel free to email [email protected] if you'd like more information on getting involved at the MIdway Church Campus!

November 2024 Update

God continues to work as Midway Church develops.

5 Grillin’ Groups launched in October. These groups contain current St. John families who intend to begin worshipping in Midlothian in 2025 and some neighbors of those families.
Midway Church has partnered with Manna House to set up a mini-pantry at Dieterich Middle School. The goal is to help hungry kids be fed and feel loved throughout the day.
It appears we are close to finding a place to worship. We have had verbal discussions with a local business owner and are looking forward to receiving a lease contract soon.
We are on target to begin public worship on February 2, 2025.
Please continue to pray for each of these developments as the Spirit leads.
If you'd like to receive our weekly prayer needs email, send a message to [email protected]

October 2024 Update

Why is the new church campus in Midlothian not called “St. John”?

While St. John Lutheran Church & Preschool have a great reputation and name recognition in Mansfield, the majority of the people in the Midlothian area do not have that same name recognition. Moreover, the name “St. John,” may be mistaken by those who don’t know Jesus yet as Roman Catholic. While we are two churches in two locations, we are joined together sharing one vision, one mission and one budget.

Why have you decided upon the name “Midway”?

After considerable prayer and conversation, the launch team decided upon the name “Midway,” for a few reasons. “Mid” contextualizes the community we are reaching. It is thought that Midlothian received its name because it was a “midway” between Dallas and Cleburne. The church was first known as, “the Way,’ in the book of Acts (Acts 9.1-2). We are also reminded that we are not where we were when God called us (1 Cor. 1.26) and we are still on our way towards heaven, where He has called us towards (Phil 3.14). We are in the “midway,” when it comes to our spiritual and physical journey.

Why does Midway Church not have “Lutheran” in the name?

We have intentionally decided to not have “Lutheran” in the name. While we will be sharing the Word and Sacraments from a solidly LCMS perspective, we believe having Lutheran in the name could be a deterrent to the majority of the people we are trying to reach. While mission minded Lutherans are encouraged to join us, we are planting this church campus in hopes of reaching those who don’t yet know Jesus.

How can I be a part of or help support the campus plant in Midlothian?

Small Groups – Small groups (Grillin’ Groups) have launched in October and more will be forming as needed. For more information or to join one, text MIDWAY to 833-440-0137
Prayer – if you’d like to pray for specific needs, text MIDWAY to 833-440-0137
Worship – we continue to explore options for a place for Sunday worship. We hope to begin worship in Midlothian, in February 2025.

If you have further questions, or would like more information, please contact Pastor Tim at [email protected]

September 2024 Update

How can I get involved with the Midlothian campus?
September 8th will be a big day! We will reveal the name of our new campus.

Want to pray for the launch? You can sign up to receive periodic prayer requests for the new campus.

Interested in joining the new campus plant? You will have the opportunity to sign up to be a part of the new campus.
On Sep 15 & 22 you will have an opportunity to sign up for the first-ever Midlothian Grillin' Groups!

If you're unable to make it in person on any of those days, you can always visit our webpage to get more information and to sign up.

August 2024 Update

10 families on the Midlothian church plant launch team continue to meet twice a month for small group Bible study, fellowship and planning.

Task teams have been assembled for areas such as Facilities, Missions, Small Groups, Children's Ministry and Finance.

In September, we will gather other families that would like to join small groups in the Midlothian area. Those groups will launch in October.

Pastor Tim & Amy have moved to Midlothian and are beginning to assimilate into the community.

What can you do to support the church plant in the meantime?
Pray that God would continue to prepare hearts and develop relationships for connections with Jesus.
Pray that God would lead us to a physical space for worship launch in 2025.
Share and invite friends you may know in the Midlothian area to join our new plant.

June 2024 Update

Our Launch Team has grown to 10 families that are meeting, planning and beginning to lead ministry teams, such as Music, Finance, Missions, Small Groups, Children's Ministry; Hospitality, Care and Interior Design.

Our Facilities team is meeting and actively searching in the community for a place to launch worship and gatherings and public worship is planned for early 2025.

In September 2024, we plan to launch small groups for anyone interested in joining us. If you'd like to be a part of our small group launches in September, please email Pastor Tim @ [email protected]

If you know someone in Midlothian that does not have a church home that would like to be a part of starting one, also reach out to Pastor Tim.

We are requesting your prayers! Please keep the launch team as well as the Mansfield and Midlothian campuses in your prayers as we seek to be faithful to God's guidance. Continue to pray for hearts that don't yet know Jesus to be receptive to relationship building efforts.

May 2024 Update

Our Launch Team is actively meeting and planning and are beginning to lead ministry teams, such as Finance, Facilities, Music and Missions.

We plan to launch small groups for anyone interested in joining us in September 2024. If you'd like to be a part of our small group launches in September, please email Pastor Tim @ [email protected]

If you know someone in the Midlothian area that does not have a church home but might like to be a part of starting one, let Pastor Tim know.

Public worship is planned for early 2025 and we are currently looking for a site of worship in the Midlothian area.

April 2024 Update

Here’s an update on the campus from Pastor Tim:

We have assembled a leadership launch team, which consists of 9 families.

The team will begin meeting as a small group in April.

The next phase will be to launch small groups from this initial launch group in various homes throughout the community of Midlothian.

Once we have attained a consistent, critical mass of 100+ we will look at having a public worship.

If you are interested in being part of the Midlothian campus plant, please continue to pray for the launch team and the future plant location. Be on the lookout for further updates and invites for your participation!