Monthly Parent’s Night Out
March 29 5:00 - 9:00 pm
Here is a quick overview of the Belize Mission Society, by our former Mission Coordinator, Sue Dorn, and how you can make a difference when you go on a short-term mission trip to Belize. Click the button below to receive more infomation or contact our current Mission Coordinator, Yohannes Mengsteab, at [email protected].
Former Mission Coordinator, Sue Dorn provides an update on the progress of Mercy House, an effort supported by St. John.
The Summer 2022 Mission Team helped finish building Mercy House, a facility that will provide medical exams and a dental clinic to the villagers.
In the fall of 2021, Pastor Jon visited Belize and presented a check to the Belze Mission Society for $6533.45 to purchase land and materials for the Mercy House, a facility that will bring medical exams and a dental clinic to the villagers.
Pastor Jon also brought gifts made by the children in our 2021 VBS program.