Monthly Parent’s Night Out
March 29 5:00 - 9:00 pm
At St. John, our kids (infant through 6th grade) experience safe, age-appropriate environments where they connect with Jesus and each other in a creative and relevant way.
This year we're taking an adventure deep within the pages of the Bible where we will submerge ourselves in God’s Word. The Bible is full of beauty and mystery and great treasure, so instead of just looking at what's on the surface, we're diving into the Word of God.
Children of all ages are encouraged to attend a Worship Service with their parents.
A nursery for children under 3 years old is available during all three services, 8:00, 9:30, & 11:00.
Small Groups for Kids 2yrs old through 6th grade meet at 9:30am. Kids connect with Jesus through Bible study & applying the Word to everyday life and connect with friends & adult leaders through games and hands-on activities.
Our program for 1st – 6th graders is based on a Workshop Rotation Model. In a rotational setting, the same Bible story or theme is taught for several weeks. Each week, learners within the same grade level rotate to a different station. The Story or theme remains the same, but children encounter it in different ways in stations like art, science, drama, or games. The more different ways children explore a story or concept, the more it is reinforced in their memories. Rotational learning is exciting for students and teachers alike, as teachers teach to their strengths and students experience the Bible in ways they learn best.
If you would like to print this information or see it visually, click here: Kid’s Ministry St John Lutheran Church Worship Options
Our Kids Check-in stations are located at the center/ weekday preschool entrance.
The first time your child attends a Sunday School Small Group, you’ll be asked to fill out a paper form with basic personal information. (After your initial visit, you will be able to use our quick electronic check-in system.) You and your child will be given matching nametags. Then one of our friendly greeters will lead you and your child to their appropriate room. When you pick up your child from that same room at 10:30, you will show the adult leader your matching tag.
We love children to worship with us at any service! Worship folders are available for kids at the back of the Worship Center, and we have a family room where the service can be seen and heard with a little more privacy.
During Worship at 11:00, we offer a kids teaching time, THE MESSAGE for kids, for 3 to 8 yr. olds during the sermon. During the video before the sermon, you may choose to send your child to the front left exit of the Worship Center. They will walk right across the hall, then return to the Worship Center at the conclusion of the sermon. Please watch for them as they return in case they forget where you are sitting. If this is your child’s first time to attend, please accompany them for a quick registration.
Why does St. John feel so strongly about having kid’s in worship? Read the flier below or Click this link and print a copy to keep.
Rest assured that our nursery and small group rooms are clean, safe places for your children. Toys and surfaces are sanitized and nursery bedding is washed after each use.
Most importantly, please do not bring any sick children to the nursery or small groups. The first priority is the health and safety of all of our little ones, and we must make every possible attempt to control the spread of illness. Children who have had fever, vomiting, or diarrhea within the last 24 hours, symptoms of nausea, sore throat, runny nose, head lice, or any contagious rash need to stay with you.
We have lots of ways for kids and families to CONNECT throughout the year.
Look for event banners on this page as these experiences get closer: SuperStart!, Easter egg hunt and family event, Vacation Bible School, Summer camp, Blessing of the Backpacks, Pumpkin Fest, Drive-Thru Nativity and more!
Whether you want to work directly with kids or serve behind the scenes, you can make a difference in the lives of kids!
Find out how to help in the following areas:
Greeting at check-in stations
Helping in the nursery
Leading a Sunday School Small Group
Take this time to start (or continue) your child’s FAITH PATH step. You can request resources by clicking on the FAITH PATH picture above.
Below are some other great resources you can incorporate into your Faith at Home practices.
Rightnow media provides Christians across the globe with resources that will inspire them to champion the mission Jesus gave to his people—making disciples of all nations.
If you don’t already have an account, email [email protected] to request free access.
Suggestions for Kids:
What’s in the Bible?
Seeds Family Worship
Check out these VBS music videos on Youtube:
• Group Lifetree Kids (you can subscribe to this channel)