7th & 8th Grade

Building strong faith and strong friendships.

St. John 7th & 8th Grade Ministry

We help these youth make connections and meet new friends, grow their faith by studying God's word, and encourage them to be a child of God who is actively changing the world.

Confirmation - A Strong Faith Foundation for the Future

Confirmation is the tradition in the Lutheran Church when a young teen (typically 7th or 8th grade) studies more deeply the basics of theChristian faith. The process of Confirmation is a little over two years of instruction, learning, serving, enjoying fellowship and asking questions.Each youth has an opportunity to affirm their baptism by sharing their faith story as they complete their journey of owning their own faith.

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Camp Eagle 2025

Camp Eagle is a camp in south central Texas where our youth annually go and develop deeper relationships with Jesus and with each other. This week is a life changer!

2025 Youth Gathering (8th graders are eligible to attend)

The Youth Gathering happens every 3 years. It is where tens of thousands of LCMS youth come together for a glorious time of worship, study, growing closer toJesus and each other. We encourage all high school youth to participate...this would include 8th graders who will be entering high school in thefall of 2025.

Activities for 7th & 8th grade

There are many ways we connect with Jesus and with others. Explore our monthly newsletter for current activities, such as Confirmation (FaithFoundations), Summer Camp, weekly Bible studies,...! We believe in all ages serving others in Vacation Bible School, Math Camp, Drive-ThruNativity, Good Friday Shadow Drama,... See our Year-at-a-Glance!

Faith Path

Resources to guide your youth's faith journey one step at a time.

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